Contacting me with questions

My main focus with the 1970 Hamtramck Registry is building a database and owner files so that original items such as broadcast sheets, fender tags, engines and so on can be reunited with the car they match. The secondary focus is to try and record as much information as possible to preserve the history for each car so that it is recorded from a historical perspective. We all know how nice it would have been if Chrysler Corporation had seen fit to keep records for us, but they did not. So, I am trying to do what I can to fill that void. It does take quite a lot of time and money to keep it going, it also takes everyone of you helping out. I have received lots of original items in the hopes that they can be reunited with the right car, and I have helped reunite other items the people have let me know that they have. Donations are most graciously accepted, cash is cool but original broadcast sheets and other items are more fun. I could not do this without all of you, it is a major team effort.

I'm not the best source when it comes to detailed restoration questions. I am more of a "numbers geek". Also, please keep in mind that I receive hundreds of emails a week. If you email me with questions about your specific car, please list the VIN in the email as it saves me some time. Easy questions get the fastest replies. Snail mail gets top priority with me. I answer letters first, and email as time allows. I can usually get back to everyone within two weeks, but not always.

I hope that you enjoy the Library and Archive sections. If you have any submissions that you would like to see in either place, please contact me to make sure it is something new or something that is not already in the works; new items are coming our way all the time.

If you have an item that we are missing, like some of the missing Technical Service Bulletins as an example, please contact me! Scans of original items in your personal collection only please, none "borrowed" from other online sources.

I can be reached by emailing or by mail at:

Hamtramck Historical
4511 Spring Road
Shermans Dale, PA 17090 - 9403

Thanks to all and T/Ake care,

Barry Washington

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